John (32)

Messages and lessons from the Gospel according to John


August 15, 2022

Passage Read: John 13-14 Meditation Verses: 13:3-4 The key to true humility is knowing what has been done for me, who I belong to and where I am going. Jesus knew that He was promised everything for His obedience to the Father. He knew that…

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August 14, 2022

Passage Read: John 11-12 Meditation Verses: 12:27-28 Jesus understood what was coming, and it caused Him stress. He knew He had a choice, that He could flee. But He also knew that He had come into the world for this very hour. From the beginning…

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August 13, 2022

Passage Read: John 9-10 Meditation Verse: 9:22 How hard it is to take a chance on God, who is not right beside us at all times. Word of Jesus' words and deeds had spread far and wide. His parents knew about Jesus and could see…

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August 12, 2022

Passage Read: John 7-8 Meditation Verses: 8:42-44 Jesus pulls no punches here. He makes it clear that these Jews who argue with Him are not from God, but the devil. When Jesus says they cannot hear what He is saying, He doesn't mean they are…

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August 11, 2022

Passage Read: John 5-6 Meditation Verses: 6:60-61 Jesus said some hard things, not just to those who refused to believe in Him, but also to those who followed Him. He wasn't afraid to offend with the truth. He was in fact more concerned about speaking…

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