August 12, 2022
Passage Read: John 7-8
Meditation Verses: 8:42-44
Jesus pulls no punches here. He makes it clear that these Jews who argue with Him are not from God, but the devil. When Jesus says they cannot hear what He is saying, He doesn't mean they are physically deaf, but that they are unwilling to receive and believe and obey what He is saying. They reject His Word because they do not love God, but love the devil. They refuse to give God's Word a place in their hearts. They won't listen to it. But anyone who loves God will hear and accept Jesus' words. Those are strong words for anyone to hear: If someone refuses to believe and obey all Jesus teaches (all Scripture), then they do not belong to Jesus! Such a person doesn't believe God! If I can't accept this saying of Jesus, I don't accept Jesus being the Christ, from God!
I am not free to pick and choose what to accept and believe among all of Jesus' words (including all Scripture). If I accept some but not all, then I am making the same mistake as Satan. I am exalting myself to the place of God, determining for myself what is true and what is not. God is no longer the absolute ruler of all in my eyes. If I cannot accept all that Jesus teaches, then I show myself not to belong to God, but to the devil. But if I submit myself to all Jesus taught, and live by it, then I show that I do belong to God, that I do indeed believe that He is God. I must not debate and argue with God, but believe and accept and abide by all He teaches.