Devotions from Genesis
37 devotions
November 13, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 1-4 Meditation Verse: 4:16 Cain was cursed and sent away from the ground that accepted his brother's blood and from the presence of the Lord. He would be a restless wanderer and the ground would not produce fruit for him. He had…
Continue reading...November 14, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 5-8 Meditation Verse: 7:1 No matter how bad everyone else gets, we can still remain righteous and find favor with God. It is no excuse to give in to wickedness because there is no one else left doing what is right. Just…
Continue reading...November 15, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 9-12 Meditation Verses: 12:11-13 Abram did not yet know the Lord well, so he depended on his own wisdom to keep himself alive. But his wisdom backfired, and while it kept him alive and obtained for him preferential treatment, it lost him…
Continue reading...November 16, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 13-16 Meditation Verses: 16:8-9 The Lord knew full well that Ishmael would not inherit Abram's promise; He would reckon Abram's descendants through Isaac, not Ishmael. He could have let Hagar continue to wander with Ishmael, taken care of them and fulfilled His…
Continue reading...November 17, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 17-20 Meditation Verse: 17:23 Even the slaves were included in God's promise to Abraham. It was not just for flesh-and-blood members of his family, but everyone who belonged to him. His neighbors and friends weren't included, but those born in his household…
Continue reading...November 18, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 21-24 Meditation Verses: 24:12-14 If someone told me today that they had done something like this to find their wife, I would think they were careless. The servant made sure to confirm that Rebekah was from Abraham's relatives, which helped confirm that…
Continue reading...November 19, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 25-28 Meditation Verses: 28:20-22 It seems Jacob had not yet adopted the Lord as his God. His father honored and obeyed the Lord, who didn't ask much of him, but apparently was not very deliberate in teaching his sons about the Lord.
Continue reading...November 20, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 29-32 Meditation Verses: 32:9-12 After all Jacob had experienced, how God had preserved him through all of Laban's schemes, yet when he prepared to face his brother, he feared for his life and the lives of his family. He knew what God…
Continue reading...November 21, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 33-36 Meditation Verses: 33:18-20 Jacob had been with Laban twenty years. After seven years he received his first two wives, so he had all his sons and daughters except Benjamin in about 13 years, then he returned to the land of Canaan.
Continue reading...November 22, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 37-40 Meditation Verses: 40:14-15 Joseph saw a chance to get free of his imprisonment, perhaps correctly discerning that this was a way the Lord might use to free him. And he would be correct, except that the time was not yet ripe…
Continue reading...November 23, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 41-44 Meditation Verses: 44:33-34 The brothers didn't think about their father when they got rid of Joseph. Now that they had lived so many years with the lie that Joseph was dead and seen how gravely it affected their father, they were…
Continue reading...November 24, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 45-48 Meditation Verse: 45:5 For how many years was Joseph a slave and then in prison? He had been raised up over Egypt for nine years at this point, and all his years of anguish we're gone to him, forgotten. He knew…
Continue reading...November 25, 2022
Passage Read: Genesis 49 - Exodus 2 Meditation Verse: Genesis 50:19 As highly exalted as Joseph was, he didn't consider it his place to exact revenge on his brothers. More amazingly, he doesn't seem the least bit bitter about what they did. It brought amazing…
Continue reading...November 19, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 1-4 Meditation Verse: 4:9 Adam and Eve hid from the Lord, but when confronted, they confessed what had happened. People like to say they shifted blame, but they told the truth about what happened, which is useful if someone wants to identify…
Continue reading...November 20, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 5-8 Meditation Verse: 8:21 Though God destroyed all men except Noah and his family, He didn't eradicate the wickedness in men's hearts. He acknowledges here that the intent of man's heart remains evil from his youth. So the flood didn't fix man,…
Continue reading...November 21, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 9-12 Meditation Verses: 12:14-16 By Joseph's day, the language of the Israelites and Egyptians was different enough to require a translator. The languages were changed at Babel, before Abram was born, and Abram was from another family, whose language likely was different…
Continue reading...November 22, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 13-16 Meditation Verses: 13:8-10 Lot was far better off remaining with Abram, though he didn't know that yet. But when he separated from Abram, he chose the river valley because it looked so good for supporting his flocks. He didn't seem concerned…
Continue reading...November 23, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 17-20 Meditation Verses: 18:32-33 Sodom and Gomorrah are exceedingly wicked; complaints about them have reached heaven. People want justice and God is sending messengers to confirm the complaints. They stop at Abraham's place and God explains what He's about to do. Abraham,…
Continue reading...November 24, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 21-24 Meditation Verses: 21:12-14 Abraham doesn't want to give up Ishmael, but Ishmael is not the son of the promise, so God tells Abraham to send him away. God promises to take care of Ishmael and multiply him, but he must go.
Continue reading...November 26, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 25-28 Meditation Verses: 27:1-2 Isaac had to be at least eighty, and he would live at least another twenty years, the time it took for Jacob to pay his debts to Laban and return. He had gone blind and felt his age,…
Continue reading...November 27, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 29-32 Meditation Verses: 31:11-13 If it ever occurs to Jacob to leave, he didn't do it, not until the Lord tells him to. Though he is oppressed by his uncle, he keeps his word to serve, even though there was no time…
Continue reading...November 29, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 33-36 Meditation Verses: 34:2-4 This appears to be the culture in Canaan and beyond: Take the girl you want, then negotiate with the father (or brother). It happened to Abraham twice, Isaac was warned about the same thing possibly happening, and now…
Continue reading...November 30, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 37-40 Meditation Verses: 39:10-14 Surely the other men of the household, the other slaves, knew what was going on. They surely had seen and heard what Potiphar's wife was doing to Joseph. But what could they do? As slaves they couldn't argue…
Continue reading...December 1, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 41-44 Meditation Verses: 42:21-22 It is no small thing to hate a brother so much you'd consider killing him, even though in the end you only sold him into slavery. Who knows what would become of the brother you sell into slavery?…
Continue reading...December 2, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 45-48 Meditation Verse: 48:11 No one ever tells Jacob how Joseph really got to Egypt. Joseph and his brothers know, and his brothers probably live in fear that Joseph will tell on them, but he never does. It hangs over Joseph's brothers…
Continue reading...December 2, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 1-4 Meditation Verses: 4:5-7 It was God who disdained Cain's offering, not Abel. Cain's problem was with God, and God graciously came to him to draw his attention. Cain had not necessarily done anything wrong at this point, he'd just offered a…
Continue reading...December 3, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 5-8 Meditation Verses: 8:14-16 Noah was on the ark a year and ten days. The Lord commanded him to enter the ark, and as much as Noah did to check and see if it was safe to leave the ark, he waited…
Continue reading...December 4, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 9-12 Meditation Verses: 9:26-27 Not only is this a curse to reveal the future condemnation of Canaan, but also a foretelling of the future of all peoples. Japheth is the oldest and should be most prominent according to normal custom, but Noah…
Continue reading...December 5, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 13-16 Meditation Verses: 15:4-8 The Lord promised to give the land of Canaan and more to Abram's descendants. But Abram pointed out that the Lord had given him no children, so how could he inherit the land? Then the Lord promised to…
Continue reading...December 6, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 17-20 Meditation Verses: 18:20-21 The Lord is judge of all the earth. If He has spoken to other peoples to warn them or rebuke them or teach them, we don't really know. He chose Abraham and his descendants to be witnesses on…
Continue reading...December 7, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 21-24 Meditation Verse: 22:21 This hasn't stood out to me before, but Aram descends from Abraham's own brother. A people who will become an enemy and a snare to Israel is one of their own relatives. Moab, Ammon, Edom and the Ishmaelites,…
Continue reading...December 8, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 25-28 Meditation Verses: 27:12-14 Jacob protested, but ultimately submitted to his mother and her plan to deceive his father. Did he just need her offer of taking the curse upon herself? Was he just so obedient? Or did he want the blessing…
Continue reading...December 9, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 29-32 Meditation Verses: 31:38-42 Jacob agreed to each price that Laban set for him. At first, he offered to work seven years for Laban's daughter Rachel, but Laban cheated him. Jacob endured the deception and accepted Laban's offer of a second seven…
Continue reading...December 10, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 33-36 Meditation Verses: 33:3-4 The response of these two brothers is interesting. Jacob left twenty years earlier, fleeing because Esau was consoling himself with the thought of killing Jacob after his father died. Turns out, his father lived quite a long time,…
Continue reading...December 11, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 37-40 Meditation Verse: 40:1 The way the story about Judah, his sons and Tamar is inserted between Joseph's sale into Egypt and his imprisonment suggest that a very long time passed for Joseph in Egypt. Joseph had no idea what God intended…
Continue reading...December 12, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 41-44 Meditation Verse: 42:16 How have I never seen this? Joseph remembers his dreams as a youth and realizes how close he is to fulfilling the first dream, only Benjamin is missing. So this whole ruse is to see that first dream…
Continue reading...December 13, 2024
Passage Read: Genesis 44-48 Meditation Verses: 45:5-8 Joseph had already pieced together that he had been sent ahead of his family to Egypt for their preservation, so he wasn't bitter at all, despite more than twelve years of servitude and imprisonment. Most people today would…
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