August 15, 2022
Passage Read: John 13-14
Meditation Verses: 13:3-4
The key to true humility is knowing what has been done for me, who I belong to and where I am going. Jesus knew that He was promised everything for His obedience to the Father. He knew that He had come from the Father to do His will, and when He had finished all things, He would be returning to the Father. His confidence in the promises of the Father made it easy to give up all things on earth. He didn't have to be king now. He didn't have to be honored and respected by all now. He didn't have to fight for and protect His own dignity. He could humble Himself completely and lose everything, in full confidence that it was God who controlled all things and would give to Him the highest place in all creation in return for His complete faith and obedience.
God doesn't promise me the highest place, because I cannot do what Jesus did, giving His sinless life up to make atonement for all the world. But He does offer thrones and positions to those who humble themselves in service to others. The more a believer humbles himself in obedience to Christ and service to others, the higher the position awaits in God's kingdom. If I really believe that, and desire that more than anything else, then I can give up anything and everything in this life to serve others, no matter how lowly.