Micah Bemenderfer

August 14, 2022

Passage Read: John 11-12
Meditation Verses: 12:27-28


Jesus understood what was coming, and it caused Him stress. He knew He had a choice, that He could flee. But He also knew that He had come into the world for this very hour. From the beginning He knew this hour was coming, and now it was at hand. He had dreaded it, but it had remained a long way off. Now it was here, now the full weight of it was on Him. Yet His response remained submission to the plan, though it cost Him dearly. It would be so foolish to bail out now. It was close to being completed, He couldn't back out now. He wouldn't back out now.


Just before this He was saying that those who follow Him must be ready to give up their lives, because that's what He was about to do. If anyone followed Him, they too would find their life forfeit at some point. And all but one of the disciples and many of those who believed in Him did suffer death for His sake. If we really love Him and serve Him we will face an untimely death for His glory. Am I ready and willing to so suffer? That is the call. Jesus accepted it long before He ever came to earth, so He was ready when it arrived. I too need to accept it, so that I'm ready when it arrives.