Messages from August 2023

4 messages

"I Desire Mercy"

Jesus calls us to repent and believe and obey His Word. But in our zeal to honor and obey God, we often come up with our own set of rules to guide us. Then these rules take on a life of their own, becoming burdensome…

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What's in Your Heart?

Blaspheming the Holy Spirit can never be forgiven. But where does it come from? How does it happen? It may surprise you who is in danger of committing such a sin: Not the spiritually simple or humble, but the spiritually "wise and learned." It's a…

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True Seekers and False

There are many "seekers" out there, but not all are genuine. There are the scoffers, who tend to be pretty obvious. But there are also the "clean houses" who benefit from the power and coming of Christ, but have no real interest in knowing or…

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Who Can Understand?

Does Jesus want us to know and understand Him? His disciples were confused about that, because even they couldn't figure out His parables. Why didn't He just come straight out and say what He meant? Jesus expects any and everyone to understand His meaning, but…

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