Micah Bemenderfer

May 31, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 39-42
Meditation Verses: 42:24-25


It is a frightening thing to have eyes but not see or ears but not hear, or to be able to feel, but not know when I've been burned. There is no hope for such a person, unless the Lord suddenly awakens him. This was Israel, who had God's great and glorious law, but refused to listen to it, refused to walk in obedience to it. So the Lord gave them up to plunder; they lived in fear. The Lord gave them up, but they didn't notice. The Lord burned them, but they ignored it. It is so dangerous to become blind to the Lord's discipline, because He is forced to turn up the heat, if He loves them and desires their repentance. But if they ignore Him, what then?


Lord, please don't let me be blind to Your discipline. Don't let me be blind to Your commands. Open my eyes to see Your desire, and my ears to hear Your instruction. When You discipline me, let me feel it and care and turn from my wicked ways. Let me love Your law and delight to do it, because it is indeed great and glorious.