June 1, 2024
Passage Read: Isaiah 43-46
Meditation Verses: 43:21-25
We were created to praise and honor the Lord, but instead we become weary of Him. He asks too much, He requires from us too much. Sacrifice and offering, obedience and submission. We want to go our own way, to be free to do what we want to do. We reject Him, we offer Him nothing good or pleasant, though He is our Creator and the One who cares for our every need, even needs we didn't know we had because He was watching so carefully over us. We don't regret our disobedience, we don't feel bad for ignoring His commands or requests. But He chooses to wipe out our sins, not for our sake, but for His own sake. We benefit from what He does for His own sake, and still we don't get it. We think it's all about us, but we were corrupt from our first forefather! God owes us nothing, but gives us everything.
I was created to praise and honor Him, both with my lips and with my life. I am supposed to do His will and show the world how righteous and holy He is. Even in my failure, I can turn to Him and find forgiveness and the power and instruction to know and do what is right. He is the Holy One, there is no other. And I am to declare that by my obedience and by my praise of Him. It was never about me, but always about Him. He deserves all praise and glory, all my life and attention and thought and effort.