Micah Bemenderfer

June 2, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 47-50
Meditation Verse: 50:10


Those who fear the Lord and obey His voice can still walk in darkness and not see light. That's when he must trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. That's the test. Will he continue to trust in the Lord or will he try to light his own way? Will he continue to believe and obey the Lord's word, especially when all seems dark? Or will he turn to some other source of light? Will he turn to some other wisdom and some other guide? It is especially when things don't make sense that the one who fears the Lord must remain faithful to obey the voice and words of His servant.


There are so many, even in the church, who think the ways of God are wrong. The world of course hates God and His Word and are becoming more vocal about it. It can make me question whether it is right to keep trusting God's recorded Word. But God is right and more than that, He is the Judge. If I turn from His ways to fit in with the world or worldly "Christians," I will have offended the Lord and be left to lie down in torment. Especially when people mock the Lord and His ways, especially then I need to trust them all the more and rely on His Spirit to walk in faith that God's ways don't change, nor does His truth.