December 22, 2024
Passage Read: Exodus 31-34
Meditation Verse: 34:21
It's interesting that God makes a point of mentioning the two busiest times of the year for farmers. Even during plowing and harvesting, all God's people are to rest one day a week. No excuses. No matter how urgent your work may be, everyone needs to take one day each week and rest. It is a powerful reminder of what brings prosperity. We either believe it is the Lord who blesses and protects our work, or it is our diligence and the speed with which we complete tasks that brings success and prosperity. If we believe we'll miss out on success or damage our prospects for success by taking one day off each week, then we're trusting in our efforts rather than God.
The Sabbath is a very practical test of my heart and my faith, revealing what I trust in to get me through life, and what I long for most in life. If I want prosperity, if that is my driving motivation, then I'll find an excuse to work seven days a week. If I actually believe my success depends on my efforts, then I won't be able to skip one day of work each week. But if knowing and pleasing God is most important, then even in the most trying times, I'll know I need to take one day of rest each week and I'll make sure I do it--to train myself to trust God with my future and the success of my efforts, both near-term and far, and to make sure my heart is trusting and finding rest and security in Him. Even with two jobs, I need to be sure to take a day of rest away from both.