December 21, 2024
Passage Read: Exodus 27-30
Meditation Verse: 29:21
The priest's garments were to pass from father to son, and each time a new priest was anointed, he would inherit garments that belonged to his predecessor. So the garments would bear the blood and oil of the previous anointing, unless they were able to wash them completely clean. If not, then they would always wear bloodstained clothes, and the bloodstains would multiply from every time a priest was anointed, and from so many of the times they offered sacrifices. Being a priest was dirty work, daily killing animals, preparing them for sacrifice, offering them on the fire. They always smelled like fire and burning animal. They bore a constant reminder of death so that others could have life.
Did Paul have this in mind when he wrote about being the smell of death to those who were perishing and the fragrance of life to those being saved? It is a powerful illustration, especially when I imagine the priestly garments constantly stained with blood. As a believer, I too am sprinkled with blood, but better blood, the blood of Jesus, and I would never want that washed away, because that is my life. The same blood that saves me also sets me apart for service, to bring the gospel to more people. It is precious blood, the kind that I would want a constant reminder of, as if my clothes were permanently stained by it. "I always carry around in my body the death of Jesus so that His life may be revealed in my mortal body."