December 20, 2024
Passage Read: Exodus 23-26
Meditation Verses: 23:24-26
There was to be no preservation of ancient artifacts, no protection of cultural artifacts. There was nothing of value in these sacred places or sacred stones; the Israelites were to demolish them and wipe them from memory. Today we want to preserve culture and heritage, even if it's articles of worship, idols. We don't fear God or desire His blessing. We think everything is happenstance or the result of our efforts to understand and conquer disease and bad health. Here God says that He would bless with health and long life those who purify their land of all false worship and false gods.
As Christians, we don't run a country, but if we did, this would be good instruction to follow--and have the whole world cry out against us! As individuals, we should follow this in our personal lives. We should not adopt or bring into our lives any objects of worship from any other culture, even if we don't use them to worship their false gods. We should have nothing to do with them, even as curiosities. We may not enjoy long life because we dwell in a wicked community and there will be those who hate us. Until we enter into Christ's kingdom, then we will demolish all objects of false worship, and we will indeed enjoy long life and freedom from all disease. For now, regardless of health benefits, I should have nothing to do with such things. I should not allow them into my home or onto my land.