Micah Bemenderfer

August 12, 2024

Passage Read: Mark 11-12
Meditation Verse: 11:25


Following on the heels of Jesus telling about believing in prayer in order to receive what we ask for, He says that whenever we pray, we should forgive anyone against whom we are holding something, so that our Father in heaven will forgive us. Jesus seems to tie forgiveness to receiving what we ask for in prayer. Perhaps not, but it makes sense. If we do not forgive others who sin against us, then the Father is holding our sins against us. Why then would He grant our requests, even though we believe we have received them? We have trespasses being held against us because we're disobeying Him by not forgiving others, should He then reward us with requests granted or discipline us by withholding what we ask for?


Forgiving others does not erase their sin before God. God keeps a record of every person's sins, both those committed directly against Him and those committed against others. I don't need to hang on to someone's sin against me, as if to ensure they are punished for it. Unless they repent and seek God's forgiveness, their sin will be held against them, whether I forgive them or not, whether they seek my forgiveness or not. Justice will be done: Jesus will satisfy Justice for those who seek God's forgiveness, or else the unrepentant sinner will pay the price for their own sin in their own body. If I want God to forgive my sins, then I need to forgive others who sin against me. I don't need to hang on to their sins; in fact, to do so actually harms me, and adds nothing significant to their consequences.