August 13, 2024
Passage Read: Mark 13-14
Meditation Verses: 14:37-38
Peter had spent more than three years with Jesus. He was convinced that Jesus was indeed the Christ, God's appointed king of Israel, and the Son of God. He was ready to die for Jesus, willing to fight to protect Him from arrest, willing to fight to gain the throne of Israel for Him. But Jesus hadn't come from heaven to lead a rebellion and wage war to gain the throne of Israel. He came this first time to offer His life as a sacrifice for the sins of men, that all who believe in Him would be forgiven and made righteous. Peter didn't understand that; though Jesus had told him multiple times, it didn't sink in that Jesus must be arrested, tried, condemned and put to death. Peter thought that was when they would have to take their stand, and he was ready to fight, even if it meant dying. But surely God wouldn't let the Christ be killed!
The biggest hindrance to understanding the will of God is my own human priorities. I think so much of this age and so much of this life that it is natural to want to preserve it, increase it's comfort, to improve it. That's why I so desperately need to shift my priorities, to think eternally. This life's value is in the ability to store up treasure in heaven by knowing and doing the will of God. But shifting that perspective to an eternal one doesn't come naturally or easily. It requires keeping watch in prayer, going before the Father and confessing my earthly desires, confessing my fear of losing the things of this life, and surrendering my wants and wishes in order to accept His will for me, no matter how painful. Even that is not a "one and done," but I need to keep watching, keep alert to whenever my earthly desires rise above my heavenly commitment. Even now there are things I want that distract me from eternal things. I need to surrender them and accept God's commission for me, to accomplish His will.