Micah Bemenderfer

April 4, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 15-18
Meditation Verses: 18:1-2


David wrote this psalm after God had delivered him from all his enemies. How many years did he live in fear of his life? How many years did he flee from Saul? In all that time and in all those distresses, he never gave up on the Lord, he never gave in to despair. He didn't question God, like Job did, nor did he blame his own wickedness. He trusted in the Lord, cried to Him for help and lived in obedience to Him. He endured, and he held fast to the Lord. He didn't falter in his faith, so that when God finally delivered him (even though more trouble would come), he could write such a glowing psalm.


I'm grateful that my trouble has been mixed with much blessing. But it is certainly true that those who know their God can endure much difficulty and still hold fast to Him. When you know Him, how could you ever deny Him, even when your whole world blows up? The better I know Him and walk in His ways, the more confidence I can have in His faithfulness and commitment to me, even when all my world is overthrown. The Lord does test and try those He desires to bless, that they would come forth as gold and that He would be free to bless as His heart desires. The Lord has been gracious to me, and I look forward to the day He delivers me from all my enemies. In the meantime, I need to keep learning of Him, walking in His ways and trusting Him through the trials.