April 5, 2024
Passage Read: Psalm 19-22
Meditation Verses: 22:4-5
There were those among the Israelites, certain generations, that trusted in the Lord, often after forsaking Him and crying to Him for help, and they were delivered. Their lives were saved and they went on to live in safety and security and even prosperity. But this psalm is rightly seen as a prophecy of the crucifixion of Christ, and His experience on the cross. We know He was killed, not delivered from death. But then He gained victory even over death and rose to life again. So God's deliverance isn't always about preserving this life. More importantly it is about delivering us through death into eternal life in Christ. We may pray for deliverance in this life, for the prolonging of our days in this life, but really, the deliverance we are assured of is eternal life, and for most of us, that requires laying down this earthly life.
This life has value and meaning as I seek Christ's righteousness and kingdom. Otherwise, it may be fun or it may be tough, but it has little purpose. The real deliverance I seek is the one beyond this life, when there will be no more pain or suffering or uncertainty or unclarity. When I will see God as He is and know Him as He already knows me. If God desires to prolong my days in this body, that is His choice, and it is my opportunity to seek a better resurrection.