Micah Bemenderfer

September 5, 2024

Passage Read: John 19-20
Meditation Verse: 19:11


Jesus here is saying what Paul later explains, that all authority on earth is appointed by God. God established authorities, not just those that acknowledge Him, but even those that have no idea He exists. God is a God of authority and structure and order, and He appoints authorities at every level of human interaction. Though Jesus is the Son of God, He is presently made lower than the angels, He presently has been granted no authority among men, though He possesses great authority over the heavenly realm and has power to command nature and disease and angelic beings. He has not yet been granted authority to rule over men, not until He completes His redemptive tasks, proving His full submission to the Father and thereby earning the name that is above every name and all authority in heaven and earth.


Even Jesus acknowledges authority among men; He must because they are appointed by God! How much more do I need to honor and respect and obey the authorities in my life, including all governing authorities, even those I sharply disagree with. They are still appointed by God! To disobey or disregard or revile them is to rebel against what God has established. As a Christian, I do not have that right! My responsibility is to testify to the truth in all meekness, knowing full well that those in authority can lay hold of me at any time, persecute me and take my life. I have no reason to fear them because my life is guaranteed by God. Though they kill me, I will rise again! Because of that, I also have no reason to fight against those to whom God has given authority over me. Their reign is only temporary; by my submission and respect for God and His rule, I will gain authority over them and people like them. I will reign with Christ for a thousand years! Now I must obey them; one day they will have to obey me.