Micah Bemenderfer

September 3, 2024

Passage Read: John 15-16
Meditation Verses: 15:26-27


The disciples would not be alone in their testifying about Jesus. The Holy Spirit would also be testifying to the whole world. The Spirit's testimony is what makes our testimony powerful and effective. It's also what makes our testimony a condemnation to those who reject it. We are not speaking about God in a vacuum; the message we speak is not without consequence. Those who believe it are saved, if they hold fast to it. Those who reject it are condemned, if they remain in their rejection. Because the Holy Spirit is speaking to them at the same time we speak to them. If they resist the Spirit's testimony, they are lost indeed.


I can have confidence in the Gospel to save people because the Spirit is speaking to them even as I speak to them. If they do not respond in faith, they have rejected God, not just me. They should be able to believe at the moment they hear about Jesus, because the Spirit is testifying to their spirit; in their hearts they know the Gospel message is true. So when they reject it, when they refuse to believe, I'm not obligated to keep trying with them. If someone won't listen to the Spirit, there's nothing I can do to change their mind.