Micah Bemenderfer

September 28, 2024

Passage Read: Romans 16 - 1 Corinthians 1
Meditation Verses: Romans 16:17-18


Anyone who argues with sound doctrine, with the teachings that have been entrusted to the church through those who were Apostles of Christ, anyone who believes himself or herself to be wiser than those who knew Christ best, these people need to be watched. And if they're unwilling to submit to the teachings as entrusted to the churches, then they should be avoided. It's OK to have questions and to be teachable. The danger is when someone refuses to submit to the teachings, even if they don't fully understand the why's. That person is not interested in the truth, but in power. That person doesn't serve Christ or the church, but their own appetites and lusts. And they will work behind the scenes to flatter and deceive the immature, so as to gain a following and overthrow the rightful and God-honoring leadership. They walk in Satan's ways, seeking to steal, kill and destroy, not to instruct and lead closer to Christ.


Anyone who comes along and has lots of questions needs to be watched. Anyone who comes along and has lots of complaints needs to be watched. Their questions and concerns should be considered and answered, but if they prove to be unteachable, they are a danger; they're not genuine seekers and learners, they are deceivers who are looking to create conflict and division, so as to gain ascendancy. They don't care about the truth, they despise humility. For the sake of the immature, such people should be driven out of the fellowship and everyone warned against them. I cannot think that I am able to correct everyone who is in error; I cannot think that I have power and wisdom that can overcome any objection or misunderstanding; to think so will create in me a "tolerance" that will allow the subversive to remain too long in the fellowship and lead many astray that should have been protected.