Micah Bemenderfer

September 19, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 26-27
Meditation Verses: 26:20,23


Paul proclaims Jesus as the Christ, who was foretold to have to suffer and rise from the dead, so that forgiveness of sins could be given to anyone who turns from their own ways to God, displaying their faith and repentance by deeds that line up with repentance. Faith in Christ should result in repentance and a changed life that shows faith and submission to God. God being God, we have no business deciding how we'll conduct ourselves, but must learn from Him and do as He does. Belief in God means losing our autonomy and submitting to our Creator and the supreme ruler of the universe. God didn't send Jesus and Jesus didn't die so that we could be turned loose to do whatever we wanted, but so that we could return to His authority and be empowered to walk in His ways.


Repentance is not an add-on to the Gospel; it's not a second level called discipleship. It is the initial call to the Gospel. It is the first implication of the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is part and parcel with the news that Jesus is the Son of God and that His death paid for our sin and His resurrection guaranteed our new life. It is the only right response to the Gospel, that we accept Jesus as King and God and act accordingly. We are obligated by it to change how we live, to show by our obedience to God's Word that we believe Jesus to be God and our ultimate and nearest and dearest authority.