Micah Bemenderfer

September 17, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 22-23
Meditation Verse: 23:16


God had already promised to Paul that he would testify for Christ in Rome. Though Paul was willing to die for Christ in Jerusalem, the Lord had other plans, such that He had Paul's nephew in the right place at the right time, to hear the plot against him and report it to Paul and the soldiers guarding him. God could have miraculously preserved his life, but instead used ordinary means, an individual hearing and reporting the plot. The commander believed the report and delivered Paul out of Jerusalem.


God is able to use all kinds of methods to deliver His servants from trouble, if He so chooses. Sometimes He lets His servants seal their testimony with their blood, sometimes He delivers them miraculously, sometimes He uses ordinary means to allow them to live and testify another day. Though my life may end up under threat, if the Lord has more for me to do, I can be assured that He will deliver me, but if I have finished the course set for me, I can rest in His will. I never need fear death or disaster, because I am His servant to do as He wishes. I'm not my own, but placed here as a witness for as long as He sees fit.