The Bemenderfers


We're Moving...

O me of little faith! I thought our days on the field were over. I was worn out. Rachel's bouts of depression. Our little Weihai foreign fellowship was fading so we were losing our on-site support and encouragement. Except for a few notable exceptions, the…

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End Times Overview (Matthew 24)

The end times offer no end of fascination for the believer. Since the return of Christ to the right hand of God, believers have longed to understand how things would play out when Christ returned to reign. Of course, there are multiple schools of thought…

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How to Lose a Church

On the topic of growing a fellowship in maturity, I realized there were about five steps to losing a church or fellowship for Christ. I list them here: 0) Every church begins as mixture of wheat and tares. In the best situation, there is mature…

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Soldiers or Civilians

God has given us a powerful choice: Will be be soldiers of Christ or loyal civilians? There is a difference. What will you choose? Based on 2 Timothy 2:3-4. Preached November 8, 2015 at Cedar Rapids Bible Chapel Mark Bemenderfer - November 8, 2015 from…

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Our Christward Relationship: Prayer

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. (John 15:7, ESV) Our God is a living and active God. He delights to converse with His children! But have you noticed in…

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