The Bemenderfers


New Address

Great News! You can now send us cards, letters and packages pretty easily. You don't need to send them internationally, just to Florida! We're now connected to Missionary Flights International, an organization that serves missionaries in the Caribbean. They fly people, packages and mail from…

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November Travel Plans

Our time in Cedar Rapids is coming to an end. We will be leaving for warmer climes on November 15th. We'll head first to Branson, MO, to visit Micah at College of the Ozarks, and do a little (we hope) maintenance on the car in…

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Our "New"s

WELCOME TO OUR NEW NEWSLETTER FROM OUR NEW ORGANIZATION, CROSSWINDS! Crosswinds, a Christian counseling ministry based in Fort Wayne, Indiana, operates Caribbean Mountain Academy (CMA), our new place of ministry in the Dominican Republic. They are part of a larger family of counseling ministries that…

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Can We Be Wiser than Solomon?

Solomon was the wisest man on earth. He has left us great wisdom in the books of Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes. But was he perfect? Did he miss some things during his reign as king over Israel? Is it possible that we could…

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Hour in Prayer

Have you ever thought of spending an hour in prayer and wondered how you could do it? Here is a pattern I've used before. Feel free to use it as is or with whatever modifications you desire. It can be easily expanded to a half-day…

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