End of an Era

Happy Thanksgiving!

We can never thank you enough for the decades you have stood with us through thick and thin in our service to the Lord and His people. Twenty-seven years serving China and other parts of Asia. A year serving missionaries in the Dominican Republic.  The highs and lows, even the very low lows. You've stood by us through it all!

We've lost track of how many people heard the Gospel over the years.  Two of our earliest disciples are now teachers/trainers in the Lord's kingdom. We still exchange Quiet Time notes with Chris, one of our last "fruits" from Weihai, and are in touch with others.

Our Chinese coworker, Joe and his family have been struggling through Shanghai's extreme lockdowns.  Ministry is at a standstill.  Our income has fallen, and our support of him with it.  He too is searching for new work, but handicapped by those lockdowns and his pre-Christian past.