Tea with staff kids
Tea with staff kids

Settling into a New Normal

Hola, Praying Friends!
We’re at CMA now and busily settling into our campus home and life. This looks different for each of us. 
As Staff Support Coordinator, among his many practical responsibilities, Mark’s most enjoying the spiritual aspects of his work. He joins a men’s Bible Study once a week. He has preached the first Sunday of each month at the campus chapel, and facilitated small group discussions about the sermon the second week. We’ve also twice hosted a home church the third week of each month just for staff. In addition, he’s been spending an hour in prayer for CMA four times a week in the chapel. It’s an honor to support those working the front lines with the students and those who tirelessly serve in all sorts of roles behind the scenes. 
Rachel’s having fun keeping our home, overseeing boys’ homeschooling, getting to know staff and students, cooking less because we eat two meals a day in the campus pavilion; studying Spanish and practicing with a sweet Dominican youth coach, attending a weekly ladies Bible study, and last, but certainly not least, dressing up and having tea parties with the many little girls of staff families that show up at our door. Playing Auntie B is a surprise delight she very much enjoys...
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