Micah Bemenderfer

October 9, 2024

Passage Read: 2 Corinthians 6-7
Meditation Verse: 6:3


This is a tough statement to process. Paul determines to give no cause for offense in anything. How does he mean that? Certainly not in his teachings, because the Gospel has offended many Jews, and his other teachings have offended many others. Obviously, the whole situation with the sinning man hit everyone hard, and this letter, at least up to this point, has a different feel from the first letter. Much less rebuke, much more comfort. So he must mean in other ways, in his behavior and relating to people and lifestyle. Along the lines of giving up meat so as not to offend those who would stumble.


Giving no cause for offense doesn't mean withholding teaching or rebuke, obviously. But it does mean having a genuine love for people. Not teaching cavalierly, without concern for how truth may hit people, but genuinely wanting their best and growth, so as to communicate even hard truth as gently as possible. And yet, not softening the meaning of anything. Lord, help me have a genuine love for people, so as to think of their good in everything I do and say, that I might help those whom You are calling, but leave the rest with a clear warning of doom if they do not repent.