Micah Bemenderfer

October 5, 2024

Passage Read: 1 Corinthians 14-15
Meditation Verses: 14:36-38


This is so true, not just in regard to Paul's teaching on the role of women in the church, but in every matter about which he taught. The Word of God did not originate with me or my generation, so what business do we have to change anything written in it? What business do we have to argue with anything recorded in the Scriptures? And certainly, what business do we have to set aside anything instructed by it? If anyone is a prophet or spiritual, he or she should recognize that everything Paul teaches is the Lord's command! If he is unwilling to recognize that, then he likewise is not recognized: Jesus says, "Away from Me! I never knew you!" Anyone who truly knows and loves Jesus Christ should recognize that the Word and will of God were revealed to the Apostles, including Paul; they were revealed to the rest of us through the Apostles, including Paul. We have no authority to define what God stands for and commands, or to change what has been handed down to us. We can only learn from what has been passed down to us.


This is serious stuff! I certainly don't want to be rejected by Jesus or to be unrecognized by Him, so I have no choice but to trust that all that is recorded in the Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, is trustworthy and true. And any instruction and teaching recorded in those books is authoritative, and define Christ-like living. If I want to be recognized as a member of Christ's Church, I must submit myself to everything the Scriptures teach, even if it doesn't fit today, even if it doesn't make sense to me. The Word of God did not come to me directly, but God revealed Himself to me through the preaching and teaching of the Scriptures. I have no authority to introduce new teachings, and I have no authority to remove any teachings. I can only submit myself to the Scriptures and faithfully teach all it commands.