Micah Bemenderfer

October 23, 2024

Passage Read: Colossians 3-4
Meditation Verses: 3:22-25


This chapter begins with a command to set our hearts on things above, not on earthly things, to seek the things above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. But then here is this command to slaves, that they obey their earthly masters with sincerity of heart, doing all their work (earthly things, seldom if ever connected to things above) as if serving the Lord. Isn't that a distraction from seeking things above? The way we serve and the reason we serve makes a distinction. God is not concerned with the busy work we have to make life run down here, and so much of it should mean little to us and be laid aside, if possible. But where we are under the authority of others, how we respond to and treat them does matter to God. That's where we show we're seeking the things above, because everything we do, we do with God in mind, concerned about how He would have us act and treat others. Whether we are slave or free, we will all be judged by how we lived this life, whether we lived to please the Lord, or whether we lived to please ourselves, whether we were consumed with storing up treasure in heaven or on earth. And treasure in heaven is connected to how we treat others, whether in obedience to God or in pursuit of earthly profit.


The old adage, "He's so heavenly minded that he's no earthly good," should be impossible. If I am seeking things above, it does affect how I live on earth. For myself and my family, I don't pursue worldly treasure, but instead, I live to help others see God, know God and walk with God. I do good to others out of love for God, even if I'm required to do eternally meaningless duties. It's not the duty that ultimately matters, but the character and cause for which I do it, to please the Lord by honoring the ones He placed over me. Jesus was the most heavenly minded person to walk the earth, and He did much good on earth, but it was all with a goal, not to gain earthly rewards or treasure or adoration, but to obtain heavenly reward, treasure and adoration. It's only when I have my heart fixed on things above that I can actually do what pleases God here on earth.