Micah Bemenderfer

October 15, 2024

Passage Read: Galatians 3-4
Meditation Verses: 4:22-24


God promised to give Abraham an heir through Sarah, but He delayed in fulfilling it, knowing that Sarah would become discouraged and suggest using Hagar, and Abraham would agree. This would become an illustration for our spiritual state apart from Christ and produce an illustration for our state in Christ. That doesn't justify Abraham's decision, but neither did it hinder what God had planned. Sad as it would be to Abraham, since he had to send Ishmael away, yet it would create this contrasting illustration.


God is able and does work all our choices together for good to those who love Him. That doesn't justify our bad choices, because they can still bring grief. Ishmael wasn't redeemed, as far as we know, and Muslims claim him as their forefather, and continue their persecution of the son born of promise. But God's purposes cannot be thwarted by my unwise decisions. I may jump the gun, I may try to help God accomplish His purposes in ways He doesn't need, which may cause problems, but God will still be able to accomplish His will in the way He intended. And I may produce an illustration, painful though it may be, that teaches others about God.