November 24, 2024
Passage Read: Revelation 7-8
Meditation Verse: 7:3
God is very gracious to His people. Those who have trusted in Christ will be taken out of the world before He pours out His wrath on unbelieving mankind. Since the nations will be punished, He brings out those among the many nations who have believed in His Son. But Israel will remain, and 144,000 Jews will be sealed and protected. Much like in the days of their captivity in Egypt, they will be a sign to the nations of God's power and protection. They will be spared and guarded while the rest of the earth suffer under God's fury, so that all the nations will know that it is the God of Israel that alone is true and that they have offended by their evil deeds.
God has terrible punishments to send on the earth for their rebellion and rejection of Him. They owe Him everything, all their life and all the good things they enjoy. But they refuse to acknowledge and thank Him. They hate Him and they hate those who trust in Him. So the day is coming when He will avenge His saints and His Son and Himself. But no one who has trusted in Him will be here to see it, except the Jews. Though Christians will be removed, the Jews will not, so that all the world sees the difference between those whom He has claimed as His own and those who are rejected. This is a warning to the nations, but assurance to me.