November 14, 2024
Passage Read: 1 Peter 3-4
Meditation Verses: 4:7-11
We're supposed to live for the will of God, but what does that look like? Peter has mentioned many things already, but here he points out several commands which suggest a heavy emphasis on caring for one another. There is the need for sound judgment and clear thinking for the purpose of prayer, which is not limited in any way. But then he tells the believers to remain fervent in love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. In that love for one another, they are to be hospitable without complaint and use whatever gift each has received to serve each other. They are, above all, to be devoted to one another, significantly more than to those who do not believe. They are to be missional towards unbelievers, but dedicated to caring for and serving one another.
The Christian life cannot be consumed only with a focus on other believers, but neither should it only be outward focused. There is supposed to be such community among the believers that that quality itself becomes a witness to outsiders. The two should not be mutually exclusive. Rather, the devotion of believer for believer, of Christian for the brothers should be paramount. Jesus said that our love for one another would testify to outsiders that we belong to Him. That love requires knowing each other best, so that we know how best to serve and instruct each other. Not that we become embittered against each other for a communal drive towards greater holiness and love, but that we humbly receive instruction and eagerly desire to do better. And the world sees that and recognizes both the seriousness of our faith and the genuineness of our love for one another. Many will be put off by that, because they don't want to repent, but others will be convicted and drawn into the faith and fellowship. And those are the kind of people we want to welcome into our fellowship, people who submit to the whole as well as contribute to the growth of the rest, people who contribute to the growth of the family in Christlikeness rather than water down the purity and sincerity of our faith and devotion to one another.