May 9, 2024
Passage Read: Proverbs 2-5
Meditation Verses: 3:25-26
Those who trust in the Lord should not easily give way to fear, in whatever form it takes, including the onslaught of the wicked. That onslaught is coming, there is no question of that, if we live a godly life. But when it comes, those who trust in the Lord should not give way to fear, though tempted, because the Lord promises to guard us and deliver us. Indeed, men can take our life, but they can't destroy our soul. God holds that firmly in hand, if we belong to Him. But that means I don't need to fear disease or disaster or war or famine or anything else. Nor do I have to fear what men think of me as I choose to live in obedience to the Lord and according to His ways, as I speak up for Him and shine a light on sin and warn people of God's impending judgment.
If my confidence and faith is truly in the Lord, there is nothing to keep me from walking in obedience to His Word and will. There is nothing that can or should make me afraid. Even when the wicked come in force to burn down my house over me. I have an eternity with Christ assured, even more so if I do earn the ire of the wicked by a godly life. I must not be afraid to speak up for God or to speak His Word, even though no one wants to hear it and it may incite some to fury.