Micah Bemenderfer

May 4, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 132-135
Meditation Verses: 135:5-10


Our God is greater than all gods. There is no one like the Lord. He rules over the affairs of men. He does whatever He pleases on the earth. The world and everything in it belongs to the Lord; they are all His to do with as He pleases; all of it owes Him honor, glory and obedience. So He will slay the wicked when He chooses. He will give one man's land to another because the former rejects Him but the latter He has chosen to bless. But those He chooses to bless are under obligation to seek Him and know Him and walk in His ways. In gratitude. They owe Him allegiance and obeisance simply because He is their creator, how much more when He chooses to do good to them, good which they do not in themselves deserve?


I owe God everything. My life was never my own, to do with as I pleased. From birth I have been obligated to seek and to know and to walk in the Lord's ways. This life was not given me to seek and gain for myself whatever I desired, but to honor and glorify the Lord in whatever circumstances and opportunities the Lord brought my way by facing and responding to them in faith and obedience to God's revealed Word and nature and character. That is still true today.