Micah Bemenderfer

May 30, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 35-38
Meditation Verses: 37:21-22


Because Hezekiah prayed to the Lord about the king of Assyria, so the Lord promised to deliver Judah from him, such that Judah could laugh at the king of Assyria and mock him. Hezekiah is the king who made all kinds of preparations so that they could withstand a long siege and so that the invaders would have a hard time providing for themselves. But Hezekiah turned to the Lord and sought His protection. He didn't trust in his own preparations, but in the Lord. He was ready to endure a long siege, but he sought the Lord's help and protection, especially given how the king of Assyria spoke about the Lord.


The Lord has no obligation to deliver me from distress, given how much I have offended Him in my life. I may need to endure great discipline at His hand, and He is good and right to bring it. For my part, I show Him honor by submitting willingly to any discipline He deems necessary for my growth. And in my love and dedication to Him, I can and should point out to Him all those who mock Him and threaten His people, because His discipline comes from His love for me, not His rejection of me. If He is offended by my sin, and I desire to do His will, how much more will He be offended by those who do not love Him, who mock Him and despise Him? All the earth owes Him allegiance and honor and obedience, so I should warn all to repent and believe and honor Him, even as I seek to repent and conform my life to His desire.