May 3, 2024
Passage Read: Psalm 128-131
Meditation Verse: 131:1
It is pride that moves a man to think he knows best regarding matters that are out of his sphere. He doesn't have all the facts, only bits of information. He doesn't have the whole picture, but he thinks he's wise enough to judge. The humble sees things, has questions, but recognizes that the issue is out of his hands and out of his sphere, so he let's it go. That's where his faith in the Lord is tested and tried. The one who trusts in the Lord can leave big issues to those responsible for sorting them; the proud man can't trust God, but let's resentment and bitterness grow over how things are "mishandled" by those in charge of them.
I cannot be humble without faith and trust in the Lord to work His will even when things are "bungled" by higher-ups. It's my arrogance that makes me think I know better than those tasked with handling the issue. And even if they mess up, do I believe the Lord and still treat those leaders with honor and respect, and trust that God will work things out to the good of those who suffer? I need humility to admit that I don't know the whole picture, that no one is obligated to explain the details, and that God is sovereignly ruling over all circumstances, whether they are right or wrong, good or bad. He will work all things together for good to those who love Him. Not to everyone, but only to those who love Him.