Micah Bemenderfer

May 27, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26
Meditation Verses: 26:8-11


There is a way to distinguish the righteous from the wicked. The righteous walk in the way of God's judgments and desire Him even more. The wicked, though shown favor, do not learn righteousness, but instead take advantage of the righteous. He does not perceive the majesty of the Lord, not does he see the Lord's hand raised up to strike him. The day of the Lord's wrath and His deliverance of His people will come on them suddenly, but they will see the Lord's jealousy for His people, they will be put to everlasting shame and disgrace.


The best assurance I can have of my own salvation and of the salvation of others is that we live in accordance with God's judgments, and the more we do so, the more we love the Lord and pursue His ways. If God's commands are burdensome to me, that should be a warning. But if His comments are a delight, and I continue to see and learn better how to walk in them and they remain a delight, then I can have great confidence in my salvation. But if I enjoy His favor and goodness yet care little for His ways, if I think I have a better way to live and get the most from this life, then I should be afraid. The hand of the Lord is probably hanging over me, and I will be undone.