Micah Bemenderfer

May 22, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 3-6
Meditation Verse: 3:12


This is more true now than ever. Children are our oppressors and women rule over us. Those who guide us lead us astray and confuse the direction of our paths. Everything is twisted; they call evil good and good evil. What is right has been distorted into something that approves wickedness and condemns God's righteousness. Children have little if any wisdom; women rule by feeling, by what feels like love. God's word does not display love to them, but strictness and harshness and judgment. They are experts on love, so they must be right. So they distort God's word and everyone goes along with it. The heart of man is wicked; any excuse to cast off the Lord's truth is a good one; any means by which righteousness can be distorted into something comfortable is welcome.


There is no way to see through the deception but by knowing, believing and obeying what God's word actually says. The true paths have been confused for generations, how can they be rediscovered? Only by returning to the Scriptures and believing and obeying what God recorded there for us to follow. Women and children are not good guides; God designed them to be led, not followed, to be trained, not to teach. Truth has been distorted so much that such an idea is offensive to almost all today. Anyone not offended by it is considered the arrogant fool today. The only way to cut through the fog and deception is to trust fully and only in the word of God.