Micah Bemenderfer

May 2, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 124-127
Meditation Verses: 127:1-2


If the Lord has not determined beforehand to bless the building of a house, then those who build it will have to work harder at it and it likely will still collapse. If the Lord has not determined beforehand to guard a city, those who guard it will fail to protect it, even though they diligently keep watch. Those who labor to provide for themselves, painfully and with extra effort, will still come up short, unless they have been counted beloved by the Lord. If someone wants to build a house that will last or guard a city so that it endures or labor a reasonable amount and provide for his family, he needs to first seek to be among the beloved of the Lord. If he wants the Lord's blessings on his endeavors, he needs to be someone the Lord delights to bless.


Who are the beloved of the Lord? Those who fear Him and do what pleases Him. Those who recognize that God delights in those who delight in Him, and so delight in Him and all His ways. Anyone who sets their heart to honor and please the Lord will be honored and blessed by the Lord. Anyone who loves the Lord and loves His Word and His ways will be loved by the Lord, and all he does will be blessed by the Lord. It's just that the Lord has to be first and foremost in his heart.