Micah Bemenderfer

May 12, 2024

Passage Read: Proverbs 14-17
Meditation Verse: 16:2


We naturally justify ourselves; we normally think we are the victims in any unfavorable circumstance. But we are not our own judge, not is another man; the Lord is judge and He sees clearly. He sees all the way into the heart; He sees the motives of a man more clearly than the man himself. So we are not the best judge of our own character, and other people use whatever standard they have assembled, but only God judges justly and truthfully.


It is good to have friends who know and love the Lord better than me, but it is better and safer to know the Lord myself and humble myself before His Word. He is the judge. Friends can be very helpful, especially the more they have abandoned themselves to the lordship of Christ, but like myself, they too have a natural tendency to see themselves in a more favorable light than might be warranted. The Lord alone is the judge, so He especially do I need to seek to know and please, to conform myself to His Word, which is the likeness of Jesus Christ.