Micah Bemenderfer

May 1, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 120-123
Meditation Verses: 123:3-4


We are surrounded by scoffers, so many even in the church, that we ourselves doubt some of Your truth. Be gracious to us, O Lord, give us some measure of deliverance. Show Your power that those who scoff would be ashamed, that those of us who believe would be emboldened. Take away the ease in which the scoffers dwell, humble their pride.


The day is coming when all will be revealed, and every word of God will be proved right. By faith, I need to believe and trust every command and every revelation, and abide by them. Though scoffers surround me, though all the world and the church mock Your word, I need to hold fast and believe and trust everything You've recorded for us to know.