Micah Bemenderfer

March 6, 2024

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 14-17
Meditation Verse: 16:9


Earlier the Lord had told Asa that He was with those who were with Him. He's not necessarily with those who claim Him, but with those who are actually with Him, seeking His will and doing it. He's not on our side, unless we are on His side. Asa then feels threatened by Basha, but instead of seeking the Lord and trusting in Him, he hires the king of Aram to attack Basha and who then withdraws from fortifying the border. God calls that relying on men rather than relying on Him. In our cleverness, we find a way to use men to accomplish our desires: that is not relying on the Lord but men. Then comes this famous verse: "the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth that He may strongly support him whose heart is fully His." Asa has shown that his heart was with the Lord when it was convenient, when he didn't know of other ways, when he had no other option. But when he grew wise in the ways of the world, he turned to worldly methods to accomplish his goals. And when rebuked, he doubled down in rejecting the Lord. His heart was not truly set on seeking the Lord, but only using the Lord when it served his purposes.


God is not with me because I claim it to be so. God does not fully support me because I claim this verse for myself. God is with me when I humble myself and seek His help, and depend on Him rather than men. God supports me when I am fully committed to Him, to doing things His way and to trusting in His Word and power. When I truly fear the Lord and do not dare offend Him, but trust in His love and will for me, then He is pleased to take care of me and help me, because I'm serving His will and His people in the way He wants me to.