Micah Bemenderfer

March 3, 2024

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 2-5
Meditation Verses: 2:11-12


Huram, king of Tyre, almost sounds like he believes in the Lord. He's not offended when Solomon writes him that the Lord is greater than all gods, and he responds by blessing the Lord who made heaven and earth! Did David have such an impact on Huram that he believed? Or was Huram just being polite to a greater power than himself. Tyre may not have been as powerful as it eventually became, and he may have considered himself to be at the mercy of Israel. But he was friendly with David, never conquered by Israel.


When God exalts a man, it is for His own glory, not just for the man he exalts. God should obtain praise for Himself when He honors a man, because the man himself should give credit to God. David so loved the Lord that he was totally aware that God was with him in all he experienced, that the protection in trial was from God, and the exaltation was also from God. He couldn't help but publicly acknowledge these things. That is something I need to be bolder about, publicly crediting God with sustenance and with favor, so that others can hear how good and mighty He is.