Micah Bemenderfer

March 29, 2024

Passage Read: Job 37-40
Meditation Verse: 40:1-5


This is exactly what Job was afraid of, that God would terrify him with his greatness and he would loathe himself though originally innocent. But God is majestic and far more powerful than we understand. His compassion and kindness to us do not remove the fact that He is awesome in glory and power. He is to be feared even though He extends grace to us day after day, and that is an important lesson to learn. Though He befriends us, He is still the almighty God! It is an undeserved kindness if He calls us friend, but we cannot ever forget that He is God Most High!


I can never let go of fear and awe of God, no matter how close and kind He is to me. He is still so far above me, so far beyond me, so much greater than me. The fact that He stoops down to help me should heighten my fear and awe and love of Him. If I see myself correctly, I know that I am absolutely nothing. I am created as a servant of God, to do His will or to be used by Him to glorify His name in whatever manner He chooses. I have no rights before God: He can make me an object of wrath or of compassion; I have no power over Him. So if He chooses to make me an object of mercy, that is an impossibly great gift that I must never take for granted. I should give myself all the more to serving Him and glorifying Him, surrendering myself completely, as I should anyway.