Micah Bemenderfer

March 26, 2024

Passage Read: Job 25-28
Meditation Verses: 27:8-10


It is hard for a wicked man to repent at the end of his days. Though many plan to live his days in pursuit of his pleasures and submit to no one but himself, yet at the end of his days to repent and put his trust in God, to do so is more difficult than he thinks. A man who lives his days under his own authority will find it very difficult to humble himself at the end of his days. To think he controls his destiny is an affront to God; as compassionate as God is, will He receive such an arrogant man? Jesus says it is impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. But God can yet have compassion on such a one; it is not impossible with God to save the man who had dedicated his life to do his own will.


I cannot give up hope that a powerful man could repent at the end of his days, but neither can I give false hope that it will happen. A man who is committed to his own way will have an impossible time humbling himself before God when his life reaches its end. Such men need to be implored to repent as soon and as early as possible. We all do. The longer we live by our own wisdom and authority, the harder it is to humble ourselves.