Micah Bemenderfer

March 22, 2024

Passage Read: Job 9-12
Meditation Verses: 9:19-24


Job understands that God is behind both the evil and the good. God prospers the wicked and blinds the wise. Job is in despair because he knows of no sin he has failed to atone for, and he has been diligent to order his life along God's ways, yet still such calamity has come on him. "Shall we accept good from the Lord and not evil?" he asked his wife. While we know God did not do these things personally to Job, but permitted Satan to attack Job, the Lord did allow it, and it could not have happened without His agreement. Job is not wrong, that God is behind both the evil and the good, though it may not be His hand personally striking a man with trouble or filling his life with good things.


My life is not primarily about me, but I exist to reveal God's power, might, and authority. My life is for the revelation of God and for His praise, whether He ordains good for me or evil. Though God can allow oppression and declares His hatred of it, ultimately He is the absolute authority.  And in choosing pain and suffering for one person or another, He enables and practices oppression, yet remains guiltless because all exist for Him, for His purposes and that He would be honored. We have no rights but what He gives us, and not all have the same rights. So the only way to be at peace with God and the circumstances He creates for us, is to humble ourselves completely under His hand, and to accept that our existence is all to reveal His glory and power, is all for us to praise and honor Him, no matter our circumstances. Giving more of ourselves to Him does not mean we will be spared more trouble; in fact, the opposite seems true: The more we surrender ourselves to Him, the more He takes from us. And if that were all there was, He would still be right and the Holy One. But even as Job received back from the Lord more than he lost, yet not receiving the answer he was looking for, so we know that God does reward those who hold fast to Him and honor Him even when they are further broken down. This life is not about us, but God, and some of us are chosen to enjoy His favor, a favor that is more about Him than us.