March 17, 2024
Passage Read: Nehemiah 12 - Esther 2
Meditation Verses: Nehemiah 13:10-12
There is a natural bent in people to turn away from the Lord. Though they begin well, under the lead of a dedicated ruler, if he departs, they go back to their old ways. Nehemiah and Ezra had led the people to read the Law multiple times. Each time they read it, they discovered something new and determined to obey it. But once Nehemiah returned to Babylon, the people and the officials no longer considered the service of God and His temple to be so important. Their own lives were more important. It was not like the burden or the requirements were too difficult, because when Nehemiah returned and reinstated everything, the people gladly complied. It was a problem as much or more with the officials and leaders and leading men of the city. I wonder if this is an illustration of how hard it is for rich men (and men in power?) to enter the the kingdom of Heaven?
In truth, if the heart is not changed, if the Lord is not loved on an individual level, then the people will follow the example of their leaders. They will do the least that is expected of them. But if their leaders call them to do more, they will do so. People (including leaders) are not naturally inclined to serve the Lord, but they are completely committed to serving themselves. Unless the Lord turns a heart to Himself, the leaders must carry a heavy burden; they must continually direct the people to honor and serve the Lord. What an unpleasant task! After a while, the burden becomes tiresome. And it is futile to begin with, except that the Lord deserves the honor and praise even of unbelievers. Why bother with continually pushing people to serve the Lord and walk in His ways, when their hearts aren't in it, when they wouldn't choose to do it on their own? Leave them be. If the Lord has not chosen them, it is a waste of time. They will perish in the end; let them perish now. Yet for a thousand years, the whole earth will worship and obey the Lord Jesus, though many will have no love for Him. I much prefer the fellowship of those who truly love the Lord, and one day the earth will be filled with only those who truly love the Lord, yet for now, I live among a people who either care nothing for the Lord or pay Him lip-service or like Him only from a distance. They need encouragement to press on in worship and obedience, so I must continue to encourage and exhort as long as the Lord directs.