Micah Bemenderfer

June 8, 2024

Passage Read: Jeremiah 5-8
Meditation Verse: 6:16


Ecclesiastes tells us not to ask why the former days were better than the present, for that doesn't come from wisdom. But God tells Jeremiah that we should be seeking out the former ways, the ancient paths, the good paths, for to walk in those ways is to know peace, peace with God. Not all the ways of the ancients were good, but there were those who lived long ago who knew God's ways far better than we do today. Those who first received His Word, those who recorded His instructions, and the people who lived in that age with an obedient heart. These people would know the good ancient paths for us to walk in. Our ancestors, some of them, we're wiser than we are, and we would do well to turn back to their ways rather than say it is no use.


I do not have to turn the world back to God's ways; I need to learn and walk in them. I don't have to wait for a mass awakening or revival to return to the Word of God and learn from it how the ancients lived and pleased God. I can and must commit myself to seeking that ancient wisdom, which is not really hidden at all, but is right here in front of my eyes. To believe and follow all the Scriptures teach about God's ways and the ways He tried to impress upon His people. I should care enough about others to warn them, plead with them, call them back to God's ancient ways, even if they don't listen, as a testimony against them. In love I desire for everyone to find rest for their souls, but I can't make them find it, for it does cost much, especially the surrendering of our modern "wisdom."