Micah Bemenderfer

June 3, 2024

Passage Read: Isaiah 51-54
Meditation Verse: 54:17


This verse is so much more then what is usually quoted, and the overlooked part is so much better than the oft-quoted part! No weapon formed against God's people will prosper, not for long. Every tongue that accuses His people in judgment, His people will condemn. They will have the last word and it will stand. The accusations will count for nothing, the accusers will be condemned! This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and the Lord will vindicate them! Those who serve the Lord will be hated and accused by people who think they have standing before God, in His court! But the Lord will vindicate those who truly serve Him and they will condemn their accusers, and their accusers will be condemned!


It is on me to know the Lord and serve Him as He desires. Then, though many even who proclaim love for the Lord but don't bother to know or serve Him accuse me of godlessness, yet the Lord will prove me right and I will have the honor of condemning those who hated me and fought against me, who didn't bother to know the Lord or recognize that I was seeking to know Him and honor Him. I must not fear those who speak evil of me or secretly mock or ridicule me. My only concern must be to know and follow the Lord. Though unbelievers laugh at me and gain advantage over me and oppress me, though false believers should ridicule me and look down on me and call me a fool, yet I will stand over them in the judgment, vindicated by God because I loved Him more than my own life.