Micah Bemenderfer

June 22, 2023

Passage Read: Amos 3-6
Meditation Verses: 6:3-7


There are those who choose to ignore the obvious, the sin of Israel and God's anger over nothing being done about it. Instead they lounge around in all their wealth and comfort, they dine on whatever delicacies they desire, they strum away on their instruments, enjoying their entertainment, they drink wine and pamper themselves. They give no thought for the sin of their people, they spend no time grieving over the sins of Israel. So God says they put off the day of evil but bring near a reign of terror. It is hard to point out sin and call people to repentance, but to ignore what needs to be done only brings in something far worse. God may have blessed a people, but when those people focus only on the good and enjoying those blessings without thought for what is good and right in God's eyes, they doom themselves to destruction. The good days will pass, and are on their way out, but no one is willing to face that fact or that destruction follows.


I cannot ignore the sin around me; I must not blind myself with pleasures. At least, I need to be grieving over the sins of my people, America, the Church. At least grieve and mourn over the godlessness and worldliness. If I grieve long enough, perhaps I'll be compelled to speak out against it, and call people to repentance.