Micah Bemenderfer

June 21, 2023

Passage Read: Joel 2 - Amos 2
Meditation Verses: Joel 2:12-14


The Lord is willing and able to restore the autumn and spring rains, if His people humble themselves and plead for mercy. He calls for fasting and weeping and mourning, but not just a noisy display, rather a real repentance, rending hearts not just clothes. God knows the difference; He's not fooled by a display of repentance, a likeness. What He calls for is true repentance, true change of heart and behavior. Then not only can He leave a blessing, but He is willing. He promised He would restore their rains at the right time and pour out His blessing on them and drive the invading army into the sea.


Why do we wait so long before any thought of repentance comes into our minds? Why do we wait until things are so desperate before we consider that our own sin may have brought these troubles on us? Better to hear a prophet early on and change then. Better to simply heed the command from the first time we hear it. I need to hate the sin in me so much that I pour all my energies into attacking and eliminating it. The Lord stands ready to send His grace to help me succeed, so why wait? There is nothing to be gained by delaying.